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It was easy for me to see how my parent’s slippery stair treads could also use the non-slip traction.

When Casey had her baby, she knew that carrying her baby up and down the slippery stairs would be risky. So she purchased No-slip Strips to improve traction on her slippery stairs. Later Casey’s parents came to visit and they wanted No-slip Strips for their home too! "It was easy for me to see how my parent’s slippery stair treads could also use the non-slip traction” Casey said. "My parents love their home, neighborhood, and friends but disliked the stairs because they were slippery. Even when we were kids we slipped on the stairs."

It is no secret that the senior population in the United States is rapidly growing.

According to the Administration on Aging (AoA), people 65 and older represented 12.9% of the population in 2009 (1 in 8 Americans). By 2030, that number is expected to rise to 19%. With advances in healthcare and a greater awareness of how to age well by eating a healthy diet and exercising, more and more seniors are enjoying active lifestyles. And more and more are choosing to stay in their homes for longer periods of time in order to maintain a greater level of independence and self-reliance.

Make Home A Safe Place for Seniors

Aging in place allows seniors to not only enjoy a higher level of freedom, but also maintain the dignity that many fear losing as they age. They can avoid the emotional stress of moving to a new place, adjusting to new people, and a new routine. The familiarity of their surroundings and the possessions and memories surrounding it provide a source of comfort. But as parents and grandparents grow older, the hidden (and not so hidden) obstacles around the house can cause concern for loved ones. We’ve all seen the commercial where the woman falls down the stairs, calling that she’s “fallen and can’t get up” to an empty house. Falls are the leading cause of death, injury, and hospital admissions among seniors. The reasons for falls are numerous: impaired vision, medication, surgeries, and health conditions like arthritis to name a few. Environmental hazards such as poor lighting, loose carpets, and a lack of safety equipment are factors that can be fixed.

So what can families do to help make a senior’s surroundings as safe as possible?

Safety Tips: The first place to look is the staircase. Falls don’t have to be an inevitable part of growing older. The installation of safety measures such as No-slip Strips are a quick and affordable way to provide added stability and peace of mind for seniors and their families. The easy-to-install strips are available for all types of surfaces: carpet, hardwood, vinyl, tile, laminate, metal, and even outdoor steps. Along with the added protection of No-slip Strips, seniors should also wear non-slip shoes or slippers, rather than walking around in stocking feet. Handrails installed on both sides of stairs and walkways are another added safety measure that is often overlooked.

Here are few other tips to “Fall Proof” homes and improve safety for seniors:

1. Remove anything that could cause trips or slips while walking. This includes clutter, loose rugs, cords, or even pet bowls.

2. Arrange furniture to provide plenty of walking room.  It’s also important to move items off of stairs, hallways, and pathways.

3. Install grab bars for extra assistance. Properly placed and installed grab bars are helpful in the tub and shower, as well as next to the toilet.

4. Light the way. Poor lighting, both indoors and outdoors, can increase the risk of falls. Proper lighting on stairways is especially important, as well as nightlights in the bathrooms, hallways, bedroom, and kitchen. A flashlight next to the bed is helpful in case of power outages.

5. Organize for easy access. Items in the kitchen and bathroom that are used consistently should be place in easy-to-reach cabinets. It’s a simple change, but could prevent a fall from standing on a stool.


How “No-slip Strip” can help

At No-slip Strip we are in the business of improving the surface traction for all types of stairs – indoor and outdoor, commercial and residential. Every non-slip solution we sell must be effective under various conditions, must be long-lasting, elegant, and easy to install. It is our hope that you'll find the safety tips in this article useful.

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  • Author: No-slip Strip Customer Service