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Slip And Fall Prevention: Slippery Stairs During And After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman’s life, but it can trigger fears and anxiety that may not have previously existed. During the third trimester, a woman’s center of gravity shifts forward, joints are less stable and, let’s face it, it can be tough to see where a belly ends and feet begin. A sense of vulnerability can set in when performing even the most mundane tasks. Personally, I remember the anxiety of carrying a full laundry basket down several flights of stairs to the basement. The inevitable sleepless nights would also mean going down the stairs in the middle of the night for a snack or television watching. It seemed like my body changed almost overnight and it was the perfect time to take a look around the house and determine some safety changes.


Extra Peace of Mind With No-slip Strips

I’ve always been the “cautious” type, but now it was even more important: it wasn’t just my safety that was at risk, but my baby too. I always thought that carpet provided extra traction and would help prevent slips down the stairs, but one near miss was too many. Fortunately, the quick and easy installation of No-slip Strips provided extra peace of mind when navigating between the floors of my home.

The ability to match the color of the carpet meant that they integrated seamlessly into the look of the stairs. Also No-slip Tapes worked equally well for my hardwood stair treads. Outside of the home, No-slip Mats were an ideal way to safeguard deck steps, particularly during rainy or snowy weather.

No-slip Strips are also an investment in the future. They provide extra peace of mind when carrying an infant down the steps, particularly in the middle of the night when parents are groggy. When the infant days are in the past and a mobile toddler is in the house, No-slip Strips are an extra source of protection in addition to baby gates.

Preventing Falls During Pregnancy

There are a number of precautions pregnant women can take once they begin to feel wobbly on their feet, especially during the third trimester. It’s important to pay attention to potential hazards in a woman’s everyday environment, including:

1. Trip-proof the house: Now that the stairs are secure with No-slip Strips, it’s time to look at what’s lying around the house. Electrical cords are a tripping hazard, as well as throw rugs and items sitting on the stairs.

2. Don’t climb on anything: If something is up on a high shelf, forget the ladder or chair. It’s best to ask for help and keep feet firmly planted on the ground.

3. Avoid slips in the tub or shower: Water, a slippery surface and a compromised sense of balance do not mix well. Make sure the tub has a non-slip surface or a bath mat. While baths are a wonderful way to relax, it’s best not to take one when alone in the house. In case it’s difficult to get in or out of the tub, it’s a good idea to have help from a loved-one available.

4. Reconsider Footwear Choices: High-heels are fashionable, but are probably not the best choice during the final stages of pregnancy. It’s also wise to keep floppy slippers and sandals in the closet.

5. Keep an eye on the weather forecast: A rainy day means slippery sidewalks and a greater risk for falls. Falling leaves pose a danger in the autumn and, of course, snow and ice may be an invitation to stay inside! No-slip Mats are a great way to protect outdoor steps.

6. More sleep! It sounds simple, but getting adequate rest is an important component in staying alert during pregnancy. Fatigue can cause pregnant women to feel clumsier than usual and less focused on the environment around them, increasing the risk for accidents.


How “No-slip Strip” can help

At No-slip Strip we are in the business of improving the surface traction for all types of stairs – indoor and outdoor, commercial and residential. Every non-slip solution we sell must be effective under various conditions, must be long-lasting, elegant, and easy to install. This article is part of a series dedicated to slip and fall prevention.

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  • Author: No-slip Strip Customer Service