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The Oscar Winning Slip?

It was embarrassing to Jennifer Lawrence when she slipped up the stairs on the way to collecting her Oscar. The 22-year old star, who won for her role in Silver Linings Playbook, momentarily hung her head in embarrassment, but recovered quickly to accept the honor. While it may have been the Dior Haute Couture gown that caused the slip, it certainly reminds us all of the danger and the possibility of falls on our own steps.

Though most of us are not accustomed to wearing floor length gowns as we go up and down our stairs, we probably are guilty of taking the steps in less-than-optimum conditions. We come down the stairs too fast, or we’re carrying too many items, and we lose our step. It’s a fairly common accident that can cause weeks and months of rehabilitation.

Keeping your stairs safe. So what can you do to lessen the likelihood of a fall on your own steps? There are several solutions. Whether you have hardwood stairs of some kind, carpeted stairs, concrete stairs, or those made from bricks, there are ways to decrease your chances of slipping.

In this article, we’ll provide some information on solutions that are available to help prevent slipping on stairs made of hardwood, tile, vinyl, bamboo or laminate flooring; and we’ll cover the other surfaces (e.g. carpet, concrete, and bricks) including solutions for outdoors in separate blogs articles.

We’ve done quite a bit of research at No-slip Strip and we’ve found that the best solution to fix slippery indoor wood stairs (or those made with tile, vinyl, laminate or bamboo) is an abrasive tape that offers varying degrees of grip or traction. Our translucent traction tapes are best-selling because they are almost invisible when installed.

Here’s how it works. Basically, it’s a peel-n-stick traction tape but unlike no other in the industry. These strips are usually purchased already cut to the length of your steps; however you may also buy a roll and cut it yourself. Once the tape is applied to the surface, you can run a roller over the tape and the underlying surface color and pattern will transmit through. Your beautiful wood floor is what people will see through the traction tape.

Comfort and variety. Our top seller is called “Clear-Transparent Grit II” and it is the most comfortable even on bare feet – it doesn’t grab or pinch. You can go up and down the stairs wearing nylon stockings and they won’t tear. It’s even safe for small children and toddlers – who may be going up and down the stairs on their stomachs. The second of our translucent tapes offers “no nonsense” grip/traction. It is called “Clear-Transparent Grit.” It is grittier and a bit less translucent compared to the “Grit II.” If you were to look at it under a microscope you’ll see peaks and valleys as opposed to the rolling hills you’ll see with the “Clear-Transparent Grit II.” Having said that, it is still comfortable on bare feet but not recommended for a toddler sliding downstairs on her belly. In that particular case, we highly recommend the “Clear-Transparent Grit II” instead.

Colors. Colors. Colors. Sometimes, you may want to hide imperfections in your steps – things like little nicks. At other times you may want to bring more visibility to top and bottom steps – where slip accidents often occur. Using our colored traction tapes can help hide minor imperfections in flooring and also provide visual stairway markers. Our colored traction tapes are often used in both residences and businesses to make it easier to see each step. We even carry glow-in-the-dark traction tapes. These are often use for EXIT stairways – both residential and commercial. We’ll also provide free samples – just in case you’re trying to decide which tape to purchase. And we offer free shipping.

Pricing. Prices start at $1.17 per strip. The longer strips cost a little more. You’ll want to measure your stairs and decide whether you want translucent or colored traction tapes. Once you have that information, please review ordering instructions for No-slip Tapes.

No-slip Strip is an innovative, solutions-driven organization dedicated to a singular purpose: to prevent slips and falls on stairways. Today No-slip Strip is the market leader in creating and manufacturing non-slip solutions for all types of stairs.

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  • Author: No-slip Strip Customer Service