The Oscar Winning Slip?
It was embarrassing to Jennifer Lawrence when she slipped up the stairs on the way to collecting her Oscar. The 22-year old star, who won for her role in Silver Linings Playbook, momentarily hung her head in embarrassment, but recovered quickly to accept the honor. While it may have been the Dior Haute Couture gown that caused the slip, it certainly reminds us all of the danger and the possibility of falls on our own steps. In this article, we’ll provide some information on solutions that are available to help prevent slipping on stairs made of hardwood, tile, vinyl, bamboo or laminate flooring; and we’ll cover the other surfaces (e.g. carpet, concrete, and bricks) including solutions for outdoors...
- Author: No-slip Strip Customer Service
Slip & Fall Prevention: Conditions That Requires Caution
It is important to identify the conditions that can lead to slips and falls. Wet floors, snow and ice are the obvious ones. However the list of conditions that can lead to falls is extensive. In this blog we’ll summarize the most common conditions that require caution.
- Author: No-slip Strip Customer Service
No-slip Strip at Maryland Home Show - Show Place Arena
Sharing some of the fun we had at the Maryland Home Show - Show Place Arena 10/25 - 10/27. Many folks experienced No-slip Strip for the first time. We partnered with Discount Quality Stairs and had a masterpiece of a display. Two thumbs-up to Discount Quality Stairs. Show traffic had a nice ebb and flow so we really gave guests the attention they deserve. Many asked questions about installation, cleaning, and removal. A handful of guests asked about application on hardwood floors, hardwood stairs, and laminate flooring. The good news is that our solution makes carpeted stairs, hardwood stairs, and laminate floors slip resistant.
- Author: No-slip Strip Customer Service